Transformative Coaching

Do you regularly struggle with self-doubt, procrastination, perfectionism or people-pleasing? Is it leading to feelings of overwhelm or imposter syndrome? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.


My transformative three-month package is distinctive and has helped many people overcome imposter syndrome, overwhelm and anxiety. I use techniques learnt from Self-Belief Coaching and Hypnotherapy, practised for 14 years. 


Over three months, I will help you;


Find compassion and understanding for why and how self-doubt has tried to keep you safe.


Heal the root causes that have kept you stuck.


Feel resourced to respond in healthy ways when self-doubt is activated.


Own your innate strengths and gifts.


Cultivate self-belief, self-acceptance, self-worth and self-trust.


Be braver and ultimately live in a way that brings more fulfilment and meaning.


These sessions will enable a transformation in your daily life. You will live a more creative, joyful and peaceful existence, with tools to respond calmly when self-doubt is activated. 


As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I've worked with many people to help alleviate various issues. However, when Hypnotherapy and self-belief coaching is combined, these sessions become transformative.


We all experience Self-doubt. It is our in-built protector. It is the part that tries to keep us safe from perceived and speculated threats. Ultimately, this protector finds many ways to say: 'don't do that, you might get hurt'.

Self-doubt is intimately connected to our stress response (flight, fight, freeze and fawn), so we experience some form of discomfort/symptom when our self-doubt is activated. 


This discomfort/symptom can include anxiety, overwhelm, depression, illness and body pain, to name a few. Self-doubt is almost always tethered to some memory of the past.


We try to relieve the cause of the discomfort by resisting any change that we think is creating risk. Over time our favoured forms of resistance (often one of the six Ps) can become entwined with our sense of self, forming patterns of beliefs and behaviours.


Many of my clients experience one or more of the 6’s Ps, which one do you find yourself repeating most often?








Passive Behaviours




Proving yourself

Moving Forward

Working with me for over 3 months we will uncover your protective beliefs, enabling you to transform stress, make your voice heard, discover your healthy self and become the person you always wanted to be.


Book a connection call to discuss moving your life forward


If you're not ready to commit to a 3 month programme and feel you have a single issue that you’d like to address, then you can work with me in a Thrive Session. This is a 90 minutes session with a 4-6-week 30-minute follow-up. 


Meaning Making

I can’t change what happened to you, but by working together YOU can change how you think and feel about what’s happened in your life. Making new meaning from past events changes how the experience impacts you in the here and now.


When accessing the subconscious during a hypnotherapy session these transformations are anchored so that when your self-doubt is activated, you instantly have the tools and techniques to overcome any past belief and pattern and move forward.

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